Well, after months of talking about it, writing it on a to-do list and generally procrastinating, I am finally doing it and I am very excited (and mildly terrified) to say welcome to my blog….
After life changed massively in 2018 with the arrival of Baby Brown I was determined that this year I would push myself out of my comfort zone and start recording a few of my adventures. Because, you know, keeping a tiny human alive wasn’t out of my comfort zone enough already!
Anyway before I get started on the proper stuff a little bit about me. I’ve been completely sports mad since I was small and pony mad since before I can remember, nowadays I probably take the theme of mad and channel that into all things horse, sport and TV related.
I am lucky enough that my job is to talk all things Eventing as Studio Anchor for the Event Rider Masters Series, host for the EquiRatings Eventing Podcast and as a live commentator at various events across the country.
I am also muddling my way through the ‘Mum Juggle’, ‘Husband Juggle’ and probably the ‘Dog Juggle’ too in a bid to keep everyone alive, happy, healthy & out of trouble. Probably easier said for the Baby and the Dogs as opposed to the Husband…
I’ll be keeping you up to date with a few of my adventures on here and would love to hear from you, feel free to get in touch via Nicole Brown Media on Facebook or Instagram.
Welcome along for the ride 😊