Safe to say this week has been a tough one!
With the emotional rollercoaster that is life at the moment, not enough sleep (Toby likes to wake up pre 5am to play with his toy tractors!!), the constant juggling act and everything in between I am happy that this week is finished and delighted that I’ve stuck at it and got through.

All that being said I’ve really enjoyed the training now that it has started to ramp up a level; we have worked quite a lot on my mobility so the next challenge (and I mean challenge!) will be also developing my training to improve my core & my strength.
So what have I learnt this week?
• Even though I knew I was unfit I am way less mobile than even I thought I was!
• I’m not superwoman & I can’t always fit everything in but am starting to learn that it’s ok to admit that. Next week I will start to see where I can make some changes to set myself up for succeeding rather than failing.
• I am way more energetic in the morning than in the evening. In one evening workout the temptation not to get to up once I’d got onto the floor to do a plank was real. Oh and I have decided that I really don’t like planks!

• I eat a good amount of the right protein – I gave myself a pat on the back for that one! One of the tasks Coach Sando Training set me this week has been to record my food & I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the feedback that I have some good food habits like incorporating healthy protein everyday, everything from lean meats to Greek yoghurt it’s been a nice variety.
What’s next?
• I need to work on my time management & carving out a more consistent structure for myself. I train better in the morning so I need to take advantage of that & get it done. Easier said than done I know but as they say, ‘god loves a trier’! One of the things that we’ve worked on and I find has really helped is finding a structure that suits me. Instead of longer, bigger workouts Tony has planned shorter more regular ones, that way we can use the time I get to myself constructively.
• Focus on learning a few more exercises & nailing the technique. One of the best things about working with Coach Sando Training is that I send videos of a couple of exercises every day. This means that I definitely have to do it (!), but also that he can pick up on any areas that need improving and tweak any exercises that aren’t working for me.
So onto next week, hopefully it’ll be a good one, I’ll keep you posted!